A person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way; a storyteller; a narrator
During the telephone or in-person consultation, the Raconteur project manager learns about your story, discusses your goals, answers questions, provides an estimate, and schedules your interviews.
The writer meets you at your home or remotely for several sessions. She asks guided interview questions and listens to additional information you add.
You receive a custom photo checklist to guide you while gathering treasured photographs. Then, the writer assists you in selecting and scanning the best photographs.
The writer spends several weeks writing your life story narrative, striving to keep your voice intact while she crafts, organizes, and consolidates memories.
The project manager selects where each photograph best complements the narrative and collaborates with our designer on photo placement in your custom book. Most books include about 75 photos, a timeline of major life events, and a genealogical pedigree.
You review the book's manuscript, photo integration, and cover design before publication. Raconteur proofreaders and editors review it several times.
Copies of your full-color, hardcover heirloom books arrive.